Absolute quotas, tariff-rate quotas, and other import restrictions limit the amount of specified products that may be imported into the U.S., either in absolute terms or under normal duty rates, during defined time periods. Today they are most often applied to agricultural goods, including sugar-containing products and certain dairy items, as well as articles of iron and steel under Section 232 restrictions.
These measures can have a significant impact on sourcing decisions and import-related costs, so ST&R helps companies comply with applicable restrictions and use them to their advantage when possible, both before and after importation.
For example, shipping goods early or securing required licenses or permits to ensure qualiffication for in-quota treatment can sharply reduce import duties, while not taking these steps can have the opposite effect. In addition, a clear understanding of tariff preference levels can help you lower duty rates for textile and apparel goods that don't otherwise qualify for benefits under free trade agreements or preference programs, but permits must be obtained first.
Why Use ST&R’s Import Quotas, Licenses & Permits Services
Compliance: ST&R’s decades of expertise in the details of applicable laws and regulations allow us to guide you through the process of importing your goods efficiently and cost-effectively.
Cost savings: By understanding quota limits and requirements, and acting quickly within established timeframes, you can see a significant reduction in duty and other costs on your imports. We can even help you obtain those savings if you miss the original requirements or quota periods.
Competition: We can help you get a leg up on competitors by maximizing your chances of getting goods subject to quotas or other restrictions into U.S. or helping you identify alternate, unrestricted sources of supply.