
Our virtual Customs Broker Exam Preparation course prepares attendees to take and pass the customs broker examination. Its extensive overview of the customs brokerage/import process makes it also a great option for those looking for training in this field.

The customs broker examination is given every April and October. Our course runs twice yearly, beginning two months before each exam date. The next course will begin in January 2025 in preparation for the April 2025 Customs Broker Exam.

The most important factor in passing the exam is the amount of time spent on preparation!

This course requires a significant time commitment. Before registering, attendees should be able to commit to close to 100 hours of work during the duration of the course. Additionally, please read the entire page below for an idea of what is required to succeed in this course.

Course Details

  • The course includes 40 hours of class instruction on topics such as broker regulations, entry, classification, valuation, free trade agreements, antidumping/countervailing duty, fines, penalties and forfeitures, bonds, country of origin marking, liquidation, search and seizure, and intellectual property.
  • The fee for the course is $1,150.
  • The course is 100% virtual. You may attend from anywhere as long as you have a reliable internet connection and a modern computer (see Software Requirements section below). 
  • Sessions are Monday and Thursday night from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm Eastern time for the two months prior to the exam date. You may attend the sessions live, or view the recording. Recordings will be available for viewing the morning after the live session.  A detailed schedule will be provided after registration.
  • There is a significant amount of homework, including practice exams. Attendees will end up with close to 100 hours of course-related work.
  • All attendees will have access to a Course Materials webpage with homework, practice exams, and class recordings. 
  • All attendees must have the required materials (see Required Materials section below) prior to the first class. These materials take time to ship, so it is best to order them 2 weeks before the course starts.

Required Materials for the Course

All attendees must purchase the required publications, including the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States and Section 19 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Customs Duties. Both are available through the Government Printing Office and Boskage Publications/Thomson Reuters. The approximate cost for these materials is $400-$500.

Attendees who purchase the materials from Boskage will receive a 10 percent discount. After registration, please contact course instructor Paula Connelly for information on how to order the materials and receive the discount. The publications should be brought to class.

Additional materials, including a manual, required U.S. Customs directives, copies of past examinations, and additional hand-out materials will be provided throughout the course to help students in their studies. 

Required Software for the Course

The course is conducted virtually via the software GoTo Webinar. Please make sure that your device meets the necessary technical criteria for participation, as technical issues are not grounds for a refund. The vast majority of modern computers are able to use GoTo Webinar with no setup or issues.

About the Customs Broker Exam

  • The exam will be given in an electronic format at testing locations throughout the country.
  • All candidates must submit the test application documentation directly to Customs and pay the exam fee of $390.
  • The exam is considered “open book.” Customs will allow attendees to bring the required materials and any other written materials to the exam, but no electronic devices are allowed.
  • All exam applications are now processed electronically through the Customs website.

Requirements for Receiving a Customs Broker License

  • Must be a U.S. citizen at least 21 years of age
  • Must attain at least a 75 percent grade on the exam
  • Must be of good moral character (a background check is performed on all candidates who have met the other requirements prior to the license actually being issued)
  • Cannot be an officer or employee of the U.S. government

Cancellations & Refunds

Cancellations must be received a minimum of 5 business days prior to the date of an event to receive a full refund. Otherwise, you will be provided with materials as a registrant, regardless of attendance.

Once the course has started, no refunds will be issued for this course for any circumstances. However, it may be possible to defer your attendance to a later course. Deferrals are granted on a case-by-case basis. Deposits are also non-refundable.

Returning Students

Students who do not pass the Customs Broker Exam after completing this course may retake the course for half price.

Join the Waitlist for the October 2025 Course


Join the waitlist

Registration is now closed for the April 2025 exam course, but you can join the waitlist for the October 2025 course. 


Key Contacts

Paula M. Connelly

Senior Member


ST&R attorney Paula M. Connelly has been teaching this broker prep course for the past 10 years. She has over 25 years of experience in customs and international trade matters and is part of the working group of trade professionals that assist U.S. Customs with improving the broker exam.


Testimonials from Prior Students 


Thanks to all your guidance I passed on my first try! I will be recommending your class to anyone who asks!


I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for Paula Connelly's instruction, guidance and dedication to our CBLE class and the overall advancement of our professional development. Her contributions to trade and accomplishments are well noted in her bio, but what's not there is her willingness, consideration and care for her student's learning and further formation in the trade profession.  

I just received my notification letter from CBP with congratulations that I passed! I am super proud of this accomplishment and I owe Paula a debt of gratitude for it. 


I was just reflecting back and certainly the biggest surprise of the year was my passing the LCB exam in Oct. Without Paula Connelly's guidance of tabbing and indexing and working every weekend on the material, I would not have had a chance of passing the exam. 

I wanted to express my appreciation for a great course designed and delivered. Just the fact I was taking the course helped me to move to a new employment with much higher compensation level.

I've been doing this for 30 years and a lot of stuff was new to me...I took an in person class a few years ago, and I have to say this was 10 times better. I would highly recommend it to others.



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